Sunday, November 7, 2021

Matching Girls

Many moons ago there were two little girl cousins whose mommies bought them matching little outfits.

Natalee Cynthia (age 9 months) and Emma Joyce (age 5 years)
Those little outfits have stuck around for awhile and this weekend Ameliya made a plan for her and Evalynn to match.  
Ameliya Darby (age 7 years) and Evalynn Nancy (age 2 years).  They are older but those skirts are really stretchy and shirts are quite flowy.
At some point today, Ameliya tore her skirt, which sounds about right, and Evie's little belly was about hanging out of her top, so I guess it was a one time wonder, but I'm glad I got a picture!

Here are my little girls in the same outfits, circa 2014.  Natalee would have been almost 7 and Ameliya was about 5 months.
(Natalee & Ameliya)

Bonus picture, with that cute Colby Curtis, age 7 years.
(Emma, Natalee, Colby)

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