Saturday, October 9, 2021

Soccer Ball!

Fall soccer is going well for Xavier.  He's having a lot of fun, working hard, and learning lots.  I took the big camera and got some fun shots of him playing last night

This one was a goal!  Way to go, bud.
the I made a goal smile
He told me last night that when he has the chance to make a goal he's afraid to kick it too hard because he's afraid he'll get the goalie in the face and hurt them.  So that's something to work on.
He's doing great, especially for a kid who's never played soccer before.
His biggest fan, who calls each event, be it practice or games, "soccer ball."  "You going to play soccer ball, Xavier?"
Last night we played two games, with a 15 minute break between.  The team did great.
Keep up the hard work, Xavier.  Play for Jesus and always be a player of great moral character!  We love you.

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