Thursday, October 7, 2021

Evalynn's First Hair Cut

Today I could no longer handle Evalynn's baby mullet.  I have been putting her hair into pig tails a lot because then you can't see the mullet, but I know that putting hair up everyday, especially in the elastics you need for fine baby hair, is damaging and makes it harder for the hair to grow in nicely.  This afternoon, without much fanfare, I swept her up and said, "let's go cut your hair!"

It doesn't look like much hair but it made an immediate difference!  After I cut the first big snip Mike said, "well you're committed now!"  Ha!
I have never cut one of our girls' hair before.  We have always lived where we have hairdressers that I know and trust.  Finding a hairdresser has been a huge hard thing up here and I guess today my brain couldn't take any more.

Her curls sprung up immediately once I snipped off those straggly ends.
I showed her in the mirror and I said, "well, how do you look?" 
She said, "I wook boo-ful!"
Then I asked, "how do you feel?" and she said, "I feel good!"
I can't make up stories about this one, folks.  She's that cute all on her own.
The total sum of the "big cut."  I would just like to say that it is already bagged, labeled, and in the appropriate spot in the baby book.  Go. Me.

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