Sunday, August 29, 2021

Evalynn Nancy is {TWO}!

Our sweet Evalynn Nancy is two years old.  Like my memories of her namesake, 'aunt' Nancy, Evalynn is quick with a smile, tells you what she thinks with ease, and knows what she likes and what she doesn't.

Two year old Evie talks in complete phrases.  She is opinionated, headstrong has strong leadership skills, and doesn't like to be left behind.  Ev pays attention to everything that is going on around her and lately has a huge amount of FOMO (fear of missing out).  She is also precious and so loved.

We didn't have a "formal" birthday party, but told our families that there would be food and cuteness if anyone felt like venturing up.  This was intentional...we have a niece and nephew who both started kindergarten this week, a sister and brother in law that teach K-12 school, a brother in law who works at the college level, a niece who started her senior year, and a nephew who started his second year of college at a new school - all this week.  As a former public school teacher, I remember that there is no tired like back to school tired, and we didn't want anyone to have any feeling of obligation to make a 2 hour trip on that first weekend.  We know we are loved, even if it's from afar.  As it turned out, both sets of grandparents were able to come up and Evalynn had such a happy day.

On mommy's pillow as I slipped out of bed early this morning.

We started the birthday with some presents and breakfast before church. 

Xavier dipped into his savings to purchase Evalynn her own stick horse.

A Spirit cup from Zayden - siblings were so excited to give the gifts they'd chosen/made!
She didn't care much about the clothes, but she sure did love those Spirit boots.

Evalynn doesn't mind being in the middle of the attention.
After breakfast it was off to church where she got to bring snack and see our church friends.  She took one of her new presents that Aunt Kea, Miguel and the girls sent.  We FaceTimed with them Saturday night and opened them via the waves of communication.

We laid Evalynn down for her nap when we got home from worship, and when she woke up grandmas and papas were here!!  
Mia gave Evalynn her Minnie Mouse money bank and coins to put in it.  Natalee made her a sweet Minnie Mouse card and also gave her coins for her money bank.  It's warming as a mom to watch my kids think about what their sibling would enjoy, and find a way to gift that to them.  
How precious Evie was opening her presents.  Calm and genuinely happy for everything she received.  She opened them slowly and gave things a good look over before being ready to set it down for a minute to see what other surprises awaited!
She didn't really want to stop playing for dessert but I finally did convince her that we could sing to her - and then she decided she should eat her birthday trifle since it was out and all.
The rest of the afternoon and evening was for playing,
and posing,
and hugs and kisses,
and Snapchat messages!
We ended Evalynn's birthday night riding bikes and scooters and playing outside.  We saw a paraglider and enjoyed the cooler evening outside before coming in for bath, a little more play, and bed.  

Tonight our big girl chose to sleep in her bottom bunk instead of her mini crib.  Just like that babyhood slips by us.  Treasure the moments...
She shows "2" fingers by holding up one on each hand and says an emphatic, "TWO!"
We love you, sweetheart.  Happiest of birthdays, Evie.

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