Saturday, November 21, 2020

Week in the Life {The Week with all the Dentist Appointments}

Sunday, November 15th

Little Evie got to try some pure maple syrup on her breakfast waffle and she was a fan!

Mia and Zayden continued their around the world studies by making German inspired apple schnitzels at suppertime.  
They were pretty good - the kids didn't love them - but it was fun to try and something they could be very hands on in helping with!
Bedtime boogies!

Monday, November 16th
The girls had dentist appointments for cleanings and checks.  I had to wake this little pudding up to go.
Everyone had great reports!  No cavities for all 3 girls!
The boys went to the Brummers house with Aunt Penny during the girls' appointments which helped me out a lot.  
FaceTiming!  Evie loves to talk.
Baby in a nightgown.  Cuteness alert.
Speed demon...

Tuesday, November 17th
So pleased with my little kindergartener!

Wednesday, November 18th
Good morning.
We love hippotherapy Wednesdays!
Evie loves eating while she watches the horse and Nini!

Thursday, November 19th
Boys' turn at the dentist and Mia went back to get her chipped tooth fixed since it was exposed and sensitive.
Another round of great reports!!  No cavities.  Good job, Beelers!
Mia was so brave!
She'd rather be napping...
We FaceTimed Isa and Miguel to tell them happy birthday!!

Friday, November 20th
This is what I do  Clean up and keep up after this darling.

Saturday, November 21st

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