Sunday, November 1, 2020

Week in the Life {Pumpkins, Grandma's Birthday, Dentist Anxiety, SNOW, Broken Dryer}

Sunday, October 25th
I put together some meatloaf and my sisters and I took lunch to mom and dad's to celebrate Grandma's 61st birthday.  The kids hadn't seen their cousins, aunts, and uncles for quite awhile so it was really good to be together.  Mia drew this card for Grandma.  When closed it's a cupcake and when you open it the cupcake has a picture of Mia and Grandma in it.  
Lauren was smart and told us to bring our costumes so the kids could trick or treat Grandma, Papa, and Nannie.
Evie was here for goody bag collection!
And goody bag eating.
Three of the kids are in different costumes than they wore for Beggar's Night later in the week, you'll see.  We like to change things up!
Playing games with Grandma.
I paused this boy for a sweaty squeeze.
Time to go home always comes too fast.  These best buddies hate to say good-bye.
This girl didn't take a nap at all.  She was asleep before we were a couple miles away.
Sunday evening at home....
Zayden has decided he wants to grow a man bun and asked me if he was there yet.  Not quite, cutie.  He decided this little sprout was a narwhal tooth.
Evie has hair envy.

Monday, October 26th
Happy birthday, Grandma!
Monday brought SNOW!
and naughty little girls!
We were slow to start our school week because the teacher didn't have lesson plans written yet.  Oops.  I wrote the plans and got the kids started at the same time.  Mia's writing was darling.
I started in with a sore tooth on the weekend and on Monday I called a local dental group and asked if they could see me.  I am embarrassed to say I have terrible dentist office anxiety.  Just the thought of the appointment (not tooth pain) had me up throughout the night Sunday.  The clinic was really so kind.  I cried like the wimp I am and they still were kind.  No one told me to be tough, no one rolled their eyes in front of me.  I ended up just having a little cavity that was causing my sensitivity and the hygienist and dentist agreed I could have nitrous oxide to fix it.  The combination of their kindness and the gas helped me get through the appointment, and I made appointments for everyone as I paid my bill and exited.
Moving checklist: establish dental care ✅

Tuesday, October 27th
Tuesday morning the kids had homeschool swim class at the Y.  
Natalee had physical therapy in the afternoon, and around those two appointments we did school, school, school.  
When Xavier was FaceTiming with Jace Tuesday evening I heard them talking about Jace's Black Panther costume, and I remembered I had purchased X and Z clearance costumes after Halloween last year and put them up for their birthdays and forgotten!  No time like the present.  Mike located our hiding place and brought them up and surprised the boys.  A late bday present for Xavier and and early present for Zayden!
They were very happy boys!
We gave them these after bedtime and then they laughed and carried on for a long time after they should have been sleeping.

Wednesday, October 28th
Zayden finished his first kindergarten book!
My Facebook post: I wasn't sure how kindergarten would go with this guy and went into it lightly, deciding to set it aside if it was too much. He went into it determinedly, ready to learn and excited about his school everyday! He has mastered his letter sounds in our first twelve weeks and is showing signs of blending readiness. His drive to want to read is taking him FAR! He's also adding, skip counting, and handling his math curriculum with the same excitement (and science, and social studies, and Bible!). Most importantly, his character is growing and he's learning to be selfless, responsible, and to control himself. Little Z-Sam, mommy and daddy are pleased with how hard you're working. Keep up all the great work.
Natalee had hippotherapy and before her session we met our friends, the Kleins, at the park.  
This week for Natalee's warm-ups they led Chief in a serpentine pattern instead of just around in a circle.  This was a bit more challenging for her balance!
When we got home from hippotherapy, I had the younger two help me clear out the front flower bed and then they dug in the dirt and "smoothed" it out for me.  Frost hit our flowers and they were all done for the year.  Any suggestions on what to do with this space over the winter or how to make it pretty?
I should have sent Ev out to help them because she dug in the inside plant and landed in time out again.  She doesn't even cry anymore.
We had a fast supper of leftovers (I'd made a lot of tenderloins on Monday night) so that we could do our pumpkins Wednesday evening.
Everyone chose to paint except Xavier, who wanted to use the carving tools!
Years ago we bought these animal faces that you stick into the pumpkins to decorate them and once Z and A saw them in the pumpkin baggy they were so excited!  Zayden decided he wanted a pink pumpkin so he could use the pig set and Mia chose the cat!
I put Ev in the sink with a towel under her for comfort and she was happy as a lark painting her pumpkin and her body and playing in the water.
Finished products!

Thursday, October 29th
The kids dressed up for school on Thursday.
Their cousins came to play!  Zayden showed Rogan his transformers.
After a quick supper, the kids got ready to go out with their cousins and find some candy for Beggar's Night.

Friday, October 30th
Friday morning we had PE.  The kids were very excited about the wiffle ball game that they knew was planned.
Ev loves running the gym when we arrive a few minutes early.
Friday's weather was warm and we got outside into the fresh air for several hours in the afternoon, after Natalee and I finished a zoom medical appointment for her.

Saturday, October 31st
Daddy slept in while Ev and I got up and going.  
The kids did their cartoon routine and then we all got started on our chores.  My dryer went down after I had stripped all the beds in the house so I did 8 loads of super size laundry and hung it all out on my lines.  I don't mind the chore but I was respectfully tired after hauling all that laundry down the stairs, up the stairs, outside, and back inside, and it did feel like it was all I got done all day.  It was a very windy day, though, which helped in getting the task all done.
Evie has started wanting to feed herself.  So messy all the time.
But so happy, too.
Mike did a final weed eat and mowing on the lawn, and after Ev woke up I took her outside into the sun.  Isn't she lovely?
The kids' cousins came to play and got in on the tail end of our house reorganizing.  Constant motion at the Beeler house.  Rogan kept me company while I hung out a load of wash and then played some frisbee with Mia.  
The big boys and Zayden, and sometimes Mia, played monkey in the middle on the trampoline.
We got all the beds remade and laundry put up and had taco soup for supper.  Uncle Matt stopped by with treat bags for the kids from Aunt Beth and candy bar salad for me.  We're loved!  We are re-doing the configuration in the girls' room and worked on that a bit (but I'll show it when we get it done).
Even though it was time change, we were all tired, so we didn't do anything fun or stay up later than normal.  We showered and headed to bed, worn out from a day of hard work and a busy week.

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