Sunday, December 10, 2017

Happy Birthday, Natalee

Happy 9th Birthday, Sweetheart.  It is such a treasure to watch you become a young lady.
Natalee's birthday hit a Saturday this year so she got to celebrate all day, including with her grandparents and aunts/uncles/cousins that night.  I didn't do a great job taking pictures, which bums me out, but we had a lot of fun all day.
 Morning presents!
Nannie and Vance took a chicken coop we were given and fixed it up to pure adorableness.
We're so excited to put some chickens in there!

Natalee made her own cake (with a little help) and we used natural food dye to frost it pink.
 Presents from family!
We got her a starter sewing machine - thank goodness for Lauren's patience in helping her practice with it.
Natalee graciously gave Mia and Xavier a turn, too.
In addition to her other gifts, Natalee also gets to start piano lessons next month and she's VERY excited.  I am, too!

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