Saturday, December 16, 2017

Breakfast with Santa 2017

Our children look forward to Breakfast with Santa each year with great anticipation.  For our family, things look a bit different when it comes to these activities.  Most children can arrive with and have the attention of both parents, while ours are quite used to having mommy being busy and daddy running the show solo.  I'm thankful for such a good daddy and hubby who handles these festivities and our crew with such class!

 Mia wasn't quite sure about Santa. 

Mommy staying busy means she only gets individual pictures of half of her kids, too.  Ha. 

This was such a fun morning.  It's a privilege to work with a church who feels led to outreach to our community and the families in these ways. 

This morning we served:

  • 83 kids
  • 59 adults
  • another 14 kids (6 families) were served by bagging up ornaments and preparing craft kits to do at home because they were ill
  • with 8 volunteers
The planning for this event is minimal as long as I start early.  My sweet friend does a bang up job decorating, the food crew has their routine down, and Santa and "Mrs. Claus" were both wonderful.  I have a sweet church member who is a fantastic greeter.  This year I kept the crafts low key - a Nativity Story Bracelet and a Nativity Sticker Scene - so while we supervised the area, the parents were able to lead their children independently through those.  We order ornaments each year and every child who attends gets one.  In addition, this year our local Caring Communities partnered with us and provided a book to every child who attended, and those were a huge hit!  A terrific morning, despite the tummy bug that is sweeping our community!

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