Sunday, January 29, 2017

Sunday Coffee with Natalee

Our sweet Natalee has had a rough few weeks.  I don't know if it's personality, age, emotions, or a combination of all of these but things have been hard.  
Above all else, we want our children to
  1.  know Jesus.
  2.  know we love them more than anything in this world.
Natalee and I needed a time to slip away and chat, mom to growing young lady, so this morning I asked her if she wanted to go with me to the coffee shop in the town neighboring ours and have breakfast before church.  Changes to routine, especially surprise changes, are not easy, but she accepted the invite and we quickly got ourselves out the door.  
We're so grateful for the local coffee shop that gave us the opportunity to go "out" but stay close to home. Natalee had hot chocolate and pancakes and I had a delicious mint dark chocolate coffee (or something...I trusted the sweet gal to make it and it was so yummy!) and french toast.
I love this girl so much.  I pray she is able to really internalize that and never question how precious she is to us.

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