Sunday, January 29, 2017

Babies in Bear Suits

Babies + bear suits + bare feet = good grief they're adorable...
 Hello, friend...
 Our mothers are insane...

Ah, our moms put our ear hoods up.  Here, let me yank this down...
 Want me to get yours, Teddy?

Teddy was being particularly photogenic...

Teddy is making this new face - so hard to catch on camera but I finally did...keep scrolling...
...almost caught it...
Bam!  Wrinkly nose, pursed lips, and those eyebrows.  He's hilarious.

We also got to keep Teddy on Friday while his parents were away.  Such a sweetie boy...
Teddy is a snuggly boy.
Grandma came after work to rock babies, help entertain, and make sure everyone was happy and properly spoiled.  Papa also came for supper and Mia said we were having a party!  (She put on lipstick for Papa!)
Turns out Teddy is a FISH in the tub...he lays and splashes and seems to be drowning but never actually is.  He is a water lover!
 Almost bedtime...waiting for Mama and Dada. 
It was a joy to be asked to watch such a precious little person.  Teddy is getting quite a personality and we love being part of his life!

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