Sunday, December 11, 2016

These Boys

I'm behind on blogging, I know.  School marches on, Natalee has celebrated a birthday, and life is busy.  I will get to it sooner rather than later, I hope.  Work is slowing down for me for a couple of weeks so I should have a little spare time.  However, I had to pause tonight, when I should be getting ready for bed, to share these pictures.  

What a sweet pair of boys we have here. 
Theo - 7 months
Zayden - 13 months

They are *just* getting to where the might notice one another as a pal, although sometimes it seems like Zayden views Teddy as a "baby" that needs tended to.  He brings him things, squats in front of him, acts like he's going to pick him up, and tries to help take care of him.  
This is my favorite move - when Zayden squats in front of him with his hands open, as though to say "come to me, buddy."  Teddy started sitting since we've seen him last and he has a funny little personality. 
The memories these boys are going to make over the's exciting to think about!  Grandma and Papa's house won't know what hit it when they are both walking and able to get into trouble together

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