Saturday, April 30, 2016

In the Course of a Couple Weeks...

The last couple of weeks have had some real highs and some lows.  When I compare my lows to other people's they seem petty, but that doesn't always make long days any shorter or easier.
This sugar is...not a super easy baby.  He is so loved and such a treasure but he is stretching me to new levels of love and patience.  But he is precious, isn't he?
Natalee had to say farewell to her beloved Yellowstone.  We don't know what happened.  We suspicioned Kim to be a food hog but we're not sure.  This was a hard moment in our house.  What she'll never know until she's old enough to read this blog is that after Yellowstone died I cleaned the tank and accidentally killed Kim.  In a panic I called Mike, who was working late, and he went to Wal-Mart at 9 p.m. and bought a replacement Kim.  I just couldn't face the tears the next day again.  Whew, it feels good to get that off my conscious.  Mum's the word - remember that. 
Natalee and I went for new hair cuts.  She didn't want hers cut because she wanted to braid it so Abby treated her to a cut and a braid.
She was sad to have to take out her braid for shower so we ran to Nannie's for a rebraid.  Mia tagged along and said hello to the puppy.
 School, tucked into the quiet moments...
We learned about mosaics, and I had an Usborne mosaic sticker book tucked away for the kids to try.  Mom win.
 (Draw Write Now)
 The raindrops fall to earth.
We took a walk and Zayden fell asleep in the stroller.  I've been so desperate for a few minutes alone that I carried the stroller inside and let him nap.
 See what I mean about not wanting to be alone?  Sweet boy.
This book is the bomb.  We read it over and over and over.  It has reusable band aid stickers and Ameliya loves it.  All Better
 Quiet story time.  Xavier reading to Ameliya.
 Natalee finishing up the Little House series.
 Ameliya loves her overalls - she fills all the pockets up all day!
 My hitchhiker.  He's my chef buddy, dishwashing pal, and teacher's assistant.
He's also very drooly.
He also really likes food.  Roast beef...mmmm!

This Monday we all had chiropractor appointments.  Then we enjoyed a beautiful day outside - the last sunshine of the week as the remainder of the days were spent indoors out of the rain.
 After his adjustment Zayden took a long nap in his bed!  It felt like such a success!
We wound down several evenings this week with some episodes of Little House on the Prairie (told you it was rainy!).  Natalee is hooked!

A rainy day indoors...
Mommy was all touched out.  So much so that Wednesday Papa Curtis came and spent the day with us.  It was so nice to have someone to share a real conversation with and to just split a little of the load with all day.  I love my "job" but with Mike's long hours it gets a little heavy and lonesome sometimes.
Ameliya especially ate up having Papa at her disposal all day long.  Papa and Xavier made breakfast and then Papa did dishes, took the big kids for a walk, bought treats at the store, snuggled Mia, made lunch, and found some time to have some good chats with his frazzled daughter.  Wednesday was a good day. :)  
 Wednesday we had our end of year J.A.M. skating party.  It was good chaotic fun!
Thursday Zayden woke up almost completely rash/eczema free.  It was glorious.  I felt like I'd won the lottery.  Unfortunately it didn't last long.  I don't know why it happened or why it went back away but I've had some tears that it was so short lived.
I've also had to realize that with my restricted diet I can't keep up with this guy's eating.  Sometimes he sleeps long enough at night that I can pump and he takes that in a bottle the next day in the afternoons.  If I can't pump he has to have a supplement.  It took awhile for me to not see this as a failure - because a fed baby isn't a failure.
Last night was game night.  We're hooked on Pictionary Bend a Clue right now.  Boys vs Girls last night!
Ameliya walked around during the game and took 514 photos with my phone.
 One she took of Natalee... lol
Today I did a quick grocery shopping and we went to the local university's planetarium for a journey through the solar system.  Very very cool!  The big kids loved it.  It's nice to have opportunities like this within a 30 minute drive.
I ended the night by ditching the hubby and kids and going for pedicures and supper with my sisters and mom.  Girl's night!  Yes.  This was our "pamper Lauren before baby" trip - baby can come any time now!  I'm so excited!
So you can see we had some great moments.  The sun did shine.  The kids all passed through a little spring cold and colds bum me out. Listening to kids cough are low moments.  Knowing that God is in all the moments is what keeps me going and gives me strength.  Here's to a sunshiny May {please come out Mr. Sun!}.

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