Friday, April 1, 2016

Growing Up {Zayden Sam}

Someone is working awfully hard at growing up!  A few pictures from the last two weeks...
 We've had to supplement just a little.  He does okay and he's such a big boy with his bottle.
 He rolls around and takes toys he shouldn't have!
He loves to love!
He's practicing sitting up and he's getting there!
 Falling over is funny, too.
 Sometimes he's funny and sometimes he makes big messes!
 This butterfly is his FAVORITE toy.
 He thinks mommy is kind of swell.
He's been doing okay sleeping in his bed in the dining room, after a few days of only wanting to sleep while being held.
 He tried a couple bites of green beans from the table one night.
In the blink of an eye he's growing up so big!  I'm reminded that sometimes the days seem long but the years are really very short...cherish the moments.

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