Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Little House Memories

We are having SUCH a blast with the Little House series.  Natalee begs to read when we do our chapters at night, and we let her, although Mike and I enjoy having our turns, too.
I have discovered that the parts of the books that I found somewhat boring lengthy as a child were written for my curious boy.  He loves to hear how Pa makes bullets and doors and roofs, and all that other boy work!  These books have led to fun discussions and imaginative play during the day at our house.
We also have 4 picture books from my childhood that Natalee reads probably each day or every other.
They are taken from chapters in the first book, Little House in the Big Woods.  

These are easily some of my favorite memories from our days.  I pray they are making an impression on my children, too.  The books, as well as the moments spent curled up reading together.  I still remember mom buying this series and reading it to us as kids.  
What are you snuggling and reading with your kids right now?  What was your favorite book as child?

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