Monday, February 24, 2014

35 Weeks With #3

35 weeks....

I fluctuate between "I'm ready" and "we're really not ready."  We have no bed plan - I'd like a side car/co-sleeper but haven't ordered one yet - we also don't have out the bassinet or cradle, which are our other options.  Baby's hospital bag is packed, but mine's not started.  Clothes are in the dresser and diapers are ready.  I have zero freezer meals prepared, which is not good planning when your husband can't help with meals in the evening because of his commute.  Sigh.

The good news is our love is ready and my body is getting there.

I'm dealing with some swelling that started this last week in my feet and ankles.  I had this trouble with Natalee but not Xavier.  I guess every pregnancy really is different.

In the midst of all this, we're trying to prep the house to show and sell and pray that it sells readily so we can get moved.  Moving with a newborn, 3 year old, and 5 year old....the overwhelming feeling is starting to crush in around me.  Pray for us, would you?

1 comment:

Shonya said...

Yes! I just prayed for you! It is a BUSY season for you!! I'm sure you've thought of it, but a great way to get some meals in the freezer is to double what you're making each night this week and put one in the freezer. It's just a little tiny bit more work each night. . .

I'm excited to see pictures of baby outside of your womb. :)