Monday, December 16, 2013

Snow Play

The first playable snow of the season is always the best, isn't it?  It's so exciting!
I wore my new boots but didn't think I could get my prego belly in my snow pants so I didn't "romp" too much.  I did take pictures though.  (And my feet stayed toasty warm and dry, by the way!).
Don't judge our pup.  She LOVES the outdoors so we let her go "shabby chic" for the winter so she'd stay warm.  We do need to trim her hair in the front by her eyes.  Otherwise, she doesn't mind so we let her be.  She SUPER LOVES the snow!

 Belle lost her ball in Mike's hood.  Wrestling match ensued. :)

 Trying to build a snowman.  No success.  Too dry for this snow. :(

Super boots!

After snow we made cookies.  Natalee is trying to save them for Santa even though I told her we could make more.  Saving cookies for 10 days is HARD work when you are five!

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