Friday, December 27, 2013

The Rest of Christmas Eve - Part 1 {Getting Ready for Santa)

I posted once about our thoughts and opinions regarding Santa Claus so I won't take time to explain or defend those again here.  We "did" Santa this year where in years past we've slid it under the rug.  We found it to be great fun and didn't feel like it affected our ability to focus on Christ's birth at all.  

I posted about helping organize and attend our Christmas Eve service at our home church but our Christmas Eve day was filled with LOTS more!  First we got ready for Santa to come by baking cookies together. 

Shamefully, this is not one of my greatest joys...baking and making messes with my children.  But I find a smile, comfy pants, and throw some joy in my voice and make a go of it.  Here we made some sugar cookies for Santa.  The children LOVE doing these type of things and it's important to make these memories with them.
I used my India Tree natural food dyes to color sugar and use as sprinkles on these cookies.  We also used UNREAL candy coated chocolates (like M&Ms) on them.
 check out his "candy" cane...he was pleased to fill it with CANDY
 9 carrots for 9 reindeer

After cookies the kids napped while I readied the church for service.  More on Santa's visit in another post...

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