Sunday, December 29, 2013

Christmas Day

We tried to encourage the children to sleep until 8 on Christmas morning.  They struggled - finally at 7:30, Natalee could make it no longer.  She's our early riser!  We loved our morning, opening gifts from one another and enjoying our time as a family celebrating the birth of our Savior.

 musical instruments....a Chime-a-long & a guitar

After a morning together, we headed to my folks for the rest of the day.  We kind of failed at taking pics because we were so caught up in the time together.  We got a few though!
 stockings at Grandma's are huge!

 checking in on the babies

 1 pound Snickers ^^

It was a blessed day.  We ate too much good food, played games, the kids romped around in the snow for over an hour, and we just all around enjoyed each other!  As we grow, it gets louder and more fun, and wilder every year.  We are an even dozen now - next year the baby will make a baker's dozen!

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