Sunday, December 29, 2013

Christmas 4 of 5

We are STILL celebrating the Savior's birth by loving and spending time with family.  Today after a BLESSED Christmas worship at our home church we went to my grandparents house for lunch.  We were supposed to celebrate with them last weekend but my grandma actually had a little heart attack preparing for everyone to come so we postponed.  We are blessed that she was able to come home, only needing one stint.  She'll go back when she's stronger for a defibrillator.
Our grandparents handle Christmas by giving us money and asking us to buy for our children.  While everyone has told them many many times that this is unnecessary, they say it blesses them by being able to watch the children open gifts and play happily.  So...we continue the tradition.  And it is fun to watch our little people thank their great grandparents and play toys with them and show them "what's new" today.  Actually, it's pretty awesome that my children have great-grandparents that they know, call by name, love, and who love them. 

It blesses me to watch my children play with cousins, love on each other, tickle the babies, and enjoy the company of extended family.

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