Sunday, December 15, 2013

Happy 28th To ME!

Once a year the inevitable happens, no matter how hard you try to look the other way.  Birthdays find you, of course, and you have 2 choices - to embrace them or hate them.  I'm not really bothered by birthdays - though my body seems to be noticing each year in little ways (being pregnant at 28 isn't quite as easy as being pregnant at 22!). 

Really my birthday celebration started a week baby sis showered me with some love (and among that love a new chicken fryer pan...praise Jesus since mine went in the trash a few weeks ago - all worn out and unable to be saved any longer) & my parents loved on me with new cute and waterproof snow boots (waterproof insulated boots are something I haven't had since leaving home in 2004!).  They're great - the children and I tested them out by romping in the snow yesterday (pics on that another day!). 

Yesterday my big sis stopped by with a much wanted laundry hanger thing.  I can't describe it.  It's one of those things you see, you want, and you think "I could probably make that" and then you never do so when someone gifts it to you you feel so very blessed!  It's a circular drying rack with clothespins attached - handy for hanging socks but I think will also be super handy for hanging cloth diapers.

Last evening my in-laws had us for supper and loved on me with new "big girl" (a.k.a. maternity) clothes which were fun to put on for church this morning!

Then this morning, my hubby rised and shined and made french toast for breakfast.  He and the children gave me a BEAUTIFUL (and much wanted but not expected) Origami Owl necklace
 I'm excited to add to it as time goes...a new baby will be a first addition soon!  Right now it has a little girl with a blue December stone (Natalee), a little boy with a pink June stone (poor Xavier with a pink stone!), an autism heart, and a guardian angel, whom Xavier told me this morning is to "watch me to make sure I'm good and okay." 

We went to church as a family and then ran the kids to my mom & dad's...they kept them spoiled them while Mike & I went for a late steak lunch and finished our Christmas shopping together.  That may not sound exciting but it was nice to not have to do it alone, and with Mike's new job we don't get a lot of together time as a couple, so it felt blessed to me!  

I was feeling some mommy guilt at not being with my children on my birthday but pictures from my mom reassured me that they were having way more fun at grandpa & grandma's than they would have being drug from store to store.
They decorated sugar cookies {dye free, I might add},
road in the tractor to feed silage, and romped in the snow, among other activities I'm sure!  They came home full of stories and excited about their cookies, their adventures, and ready for bed!

As it turns out, I feel quite ready for bed too.  I'm not proofreading this tonight - so if you are one of my many three readers & you find this tonight you'll have to suffer through till morning.

Two last more week under my belt!
{Right - like I could wear a belt anymore.  Ha!}
(I do notice that the mirror needs cleaned a little...another day!)


Anonymous said...

So glad you had a good day! Happy happy birthday!!


Shonya said...

Love this post! Happy belated birthday (gulp! I forget how much of an age difference there is between us!)

Looks like you were well and truly loved!

Tina Michelle said...

Happy birthday! Love the OO necklace. I recently received one as a gift too.