Monday, December 9, 2013

5 Years Ago Today...

...after a long enough and kind of traumatizing delivery, Natalee Cynthia made us parents!
Her stats:
8 pounds 12 1/2 ounces
20 1/2 inches long
3:24 a.m.

We thought we knew it all and truly knew nothing.  And they let us take her home (ha!).
Being parents has been our greatest journey ever and we wouldn't trade it for anything.  Natalee has overcome a lot and we are so blessed!

 first day at home

 3 months

 6 months

 9 months

 1 year

 2 years

 3 years

4 years

 5 years

She's what I consider a princess tomboy...wanting to be girly only when it suits her and content in "comfy pants" and t-shirts for day to day wear.  She's hot/cold and flips the switch easily.  She loves learning and art and fruits/veggies and dislikes drama, change, and messes.

We love you Natalee.  Thanks for sticking with us for the last five years (as if you had a choice!).

1 comment:

Shonya said...

Love the "we thought we knew it all and knew nothing." So true, isn't it?! Our poor firstborns--guinea pigs they are! :)