Let me be clear...I am not a fashionable person. I don't know fashion, I don't understand it. I don't get why my clothes from Junior High aren't still 'cool' and I don't get why the word 'cool' isn't 'cool' anymore. Oh sure, I can be dressed cutely if I go shopping with my sisters and they pick out my clothes. Otherwise, rest assured that it's going to be solid colors that don't require a lot of effort and that I can't mess up.
However, I have this urge to dress my baby cutely. I don't want her to be fashion illiterate like her mommy (insert my sisters' input into this).
I love these...I've stumbled across them a couple of times and I just think they'd be darling, especially with a jean jumper or jean skirt (on the legs, not the arms). So, fashionistas, give me your input. Worth the money? (oh, don't tell me I can make them out of grown-up socks...I've seen those websites & you all know I don't own a sewing machine...I wish I could sew but I just don't know how). Cute? Will she only be able to wear them with one outfit or can we mix it up? Do they serve a purpose or are they purely decorative? How do you know what size? or are they 1 size fits all? Do I buy stripes, solids, pinks, purples? Can we find some that are cute for $7, instead of the more expensive $12 or $20 ones (oh, did I men?
AHHH...maybe God shoulda given me a boy! No, no...I love her...I can conquer this fashion thing. I mean, I have Emma's hand-me-downs, so we know that Natalee won't be totally out of style. Okay, desperately seeking your opinion..., but I mean, look at these chunky legs in these thingys...aren't they darling?
their true purpose: they keep our ladies warm! :) they are cute too! but they are perfect for running around the house in a onsie in the winter time and not having to pull pants down every 45 min to change diapers! :) they really are easy to make! you don't even have to sew. just cut off the part that would normally be on the adult ankle and tuck that end that curls up into your onsie or whatever. then the top part of the sock that is nicely trimmed already will be at her ankles. :)
First of all...I've heard you can buy them at Target, which might be a start to check out one pair. Also, think about the fact that she wouldn't have "feet" so she would either have to wear socks or no socks. They're kind of like those leggings that were "in" when I was in junior high, but then we also wore socks and it was just pure UGLY! My number one opinion...they would be cute for that one perfect outfit and your sitter might appreciate them, but if you have matching sock issues as do I they are not for you. Another suggestion would be to buy the socks you like, take them to Pauline, and let her hold your baby for payment:) She would love the visit and I'm sure they're not hard to make! That's my two cents.
Did you even need to ask? Didn't you know how I would feel about them?...Love them! lol and polka dot ones are especially needed! but I agree with Andrea, they'd be better if they had feet...which would just be leggings...which I'm all for lol
they either wear those crocks with the lining that you don't have to wear socks with, or just wear a color or white sock that matches but you tuck the top part under the legging just like you would if they were pants. hope this helps you picture them! :) i did see some pictures like this when i googled baby legs...
very cute, but i am the WRONG person to ask for fashion advice. i am like you, solids! i wanna look cute, but i hate to shop and i hate big prints b/c i don't wanna look like a big ole cow!
Okay I know that I am completely fashion illeterate but I just don't get these. I was talking to someone about them the other day. They are supper cute I will give you that, but seem kind of impratctical. I'm sorry, I don't mean to rain on your parade, Natalee would look adorable in them. I just don't get the function. But look how I dress. The fact that I don't like them means they are probably very instyle and perfect.
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