Wednesday, January 14, 2009

I Was Ready

I got everything ready for Sonlight tonight. Totally prepared. Notes ready for the leaders....theme nights ready for the kids. Thought I had everything ironed out. Get up this a.m. and look at the forecast...supposed to be -25 degrees wind chill tonight. Get a couple of calls from parents/leaders wondering if it's smart to get these kids out. My mind is screaming, "nope" but I'm wondering how the rest of the parents will react. I try to call my second in command but can't find her. I call Mr. Husband...he asks if I'd want my kid out in this. Again, NOPE. He calls Mr. Church Board President. Cancel it. I'm in complete agreement, just thinking, isn't that how it always goes when you're prepared?
...and I'd even lined out another loud & bossy person to help dismiss the kiddos...better luck next week. For now, stay in, stay bundled, stay warm!!!


Corin said...

Stay all snuggled up with your baby. Just think how prepared you'll be next week.

Andrea Frederick said...

That's right...a week ahead....whoo hoo!

Anonymous said...

I am glad that you are concerned about all those kids. You make me proud with the service you do to all of our little children.

Bree Shaw said...

ok, who is the loud and bossy person you have lined up? and good call btw!