Monday, January 12, 2009

my little soy baby

Natalee had her first soy bottle today. We waited anxiously to see how it would settle with her and she did great! She sucked it down, burped like a champ and felt great afterwards! Thank you, Lord for a problem solved!!!

Daddy's laughing because she kept making mmmmm noises. She musta been hungry. She does that sometimes when she's makes me feel really good about myself--like I slaved all day & made a delicious meal!
The happy after effect of the soy. It made kinda stinky breath but we'll take it!


Anonymous said...

Ya, stinky breath we can handle. and btw tell mike im REALLY worried about those bite marks, but then again not entirely sure that I want the Whole story lol

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear that she loved the bottle. She is such a cutie!! My how she has changed. What a personality she has. Miss ya!!

Andrea Frederick said...

YAY for soy! Glad you guys figured it out!

Bree Shaw said...

she looks sooooo happy in that last picture:)

Amee Jones said...

Adi was a soy baby and that worked really well for her. Hope all goes well.