Thursday, January 8, 2009

Thousand Word Thursday

Cheaper Than Therapy

I can't remember how to get the button for A Thousand Word Thursday (figured it out...thanks Andrea) on here but here are my adorable pictures of my sweet girl. For those of you who aren't regular visitors of my site...we've had a rough couple of days and haven't seen this sweet smile for awhile. I think I've narrowed it down to the fact that my baby can't digest milk...I've taken it out of my diet and taken her off formula and my smiley baby is back! She's just over 4 weeks and I'm so glad she's feeling better!

Like I could pick just one!


JessieJo said...


Andrea Frederick said...

I love the second one the best!

Bree Shaw said...

me too. she is such a pretty little girl:)

The Mom Jen said...

Sweet, glad you found out what was bothering her!

Corin said...

Cute, cute, cute. I agree, I like the second one better, but none of them could be bad with a subject like that.

MOMMY-MOMO said...

ohhh! so little and sooo cute! just precious.

Leslie said...

It's no fun when baby is miserable. Glad to hear she's doing better. Both pictures are WAY cute!

Shonya said...

So glad your little dolly is doing better. Good for you, momma, for following your mommy instincts!! :)

Da Tick said...

She is cute. I imagine your photo happy hubby is filling the computer with lots of megapixles.

Glad she is better.

Anonymous said...

I like the first one, looks like she's talking to you lol
-Aunt Lauren

Ann Harrison said...

There is no way you could pick just one! Absolutely adorable.
And you know, my first born had a terrible time in the beginning and we eventually figured out it was milk products too. I hope you see that sweet smile all the time now!
(I'm visiting from Jen's Cheaper Than Therapy.)