Tuesday, January 20, 2009


I do not have your e-mail address so here is your public response. If the link isn't working for anyone else go to www.spiritfm.org & click on MO Biggest Baby Shower. It'll give you all the info.
Pretty much it's a 'shower' or donation drive for the Lifeline Pregnancy Center in Kville for women who have chosen life over abortion but are struggling to make it on their own, or for other women who are in tough spots.

And I do think I'd like to try the carrier. I always thought it would be handy to have one for when we're shopping and she's sick of being in her carseat or stroller but it's so hard to carry her & efficiently shop (and she's no lightweight!). And, no, I don't have one so thanks for asking!

1 comment:

Shonya said...

hee, hee, how funny to get my own entry! :)
my email: alanshonya@marktwain.net

I love lifeline--do you know God used a crisis pregnancy center to bring my own sweet Kiana into my life?

Hurray! I'm excited for you to try the sling--I LOVE mine! It's so handy, and esp. wonderful for Walmart trips! Great for church, too!