Thursday, January 22, 2009

Purple or Black?

Looking for your opinion...which do you like? Or suggestions for a different color vignette?
I usually don't edit too much...I kinda like photos 'raw', but this is the one from below & I wanted to get the ties from the blanket out as much as I could.
The black just seems really dark to me, the purple is fun but I'm just not sure! I tried white but it didn't do much...didn't hide the ties. Open to suggestions!


Anonymous said...

I like the black one better but I think the purple one still looks neat. It is a little different then the normal black or white edging.

Anonymous said...

Neither are bad but I kinda like the purple one...the black seems too dark.?

Anonymous said...

i love the black!! (and i love the smile!!!)

Corin said...

I don't edit photo's at all so I don't really know what the choices are, but how about pink. You said you already tried white but I think that would look good. Of the two up I like the black better, but your right it is a little dark. That's my two cents.

Shonya said...

Darling!! I like the black one better--it seems softer and the purple is just a little garish to me (even though I love purple)--fun, yes, but I think I'm in 'soft, ahhh, sweet baby' mode. I think it depends on what mood *you* are wanting to set, Jenn!

Andrea Frederick said...

I like the black best, but I think it is a little dark. Great picture!

Bree Shaw said...

black! and i love purple so i don't know what my deal is. i am with corin, try the pink and see what it does. love her smile!!!

Anonymous said...

Match the pink to Miss Natalee's ever-present bow! ;)

Diane Melvin said...

I like the black photo option.

Anonymous said...

I like the black. Could we see more choices? Kristina

Da Tick said...

I like the black one the best because it doesn't interfere with Natalee. All the attention is focused on her. The purple one is too noticeable and competes with Natalee.

Anonymous said...

can you lighten the black up a tad on the corners and still leave the top and bottom the same so your still hiding your ties? i think that would lighten it up just right... hope your not sorry you asked! LOL