Saturday, January 3, 2009

Naughty Natalee

This is what Natalee does when she thinks no one is watching...yup, she's sucking her thumb (under the disguise of playing with Lucky Ducky)! No matter what we do she just sometimes can't help herself! I love this picture...even her eyes seem to say "ornery!"

PS Be sure to check out Mike's blog...he posted pictures of her snuggling with her froggy toy...I was going to post them but he's starting to get growly at me because I get to the pictures before he does. He thought he got the stroller ride up before me and was sadly mistaken :( ...poor guy. I was under strict instructions that "he got to blog those first!" Guess I'll have to learn to share the glory of our sweet girl with her daddy!


Andrea Frederick said...

ooops, sneaky sneaky!

Anonymous said...

Sure, go ahead flaunt it that you always get to it before I do. But, hey thanks for linking and boosting the amount of visitors to my site.

Shonya said...

beautiful!! My mom has always said the best babies were thumb suckers. . .I've never had one, though. :)

Bree Shaw said...

they are good babies b/c you don't have to always go put the pacifier back in but man is it the hardest to break! we told braylon that santa claus wouldn't bring him any presents if he didn't quit sucking his thumb, it worked until santa claus came and went. now i told him the boogy man would come out and get him! that made him think TWICE! so pray for me and him:) i know, i am a mean mommy, braylon has told me so:)