Sunday, January 18, 2009

lots of smiles

I just love you...
I love you when you grin.
I love you when you cry.
I love to snuggle you up.
I love to tickle you all over.
I love your tiny nose, your sweet cheeks and your pudgy-ness.
You make me happier than I've ever been!


Anonymous said...

Poor baby, always with the hiccups, they're cute hiccups however Lol

Amee Jones said...

She is such a beautiful baby! I remember just sitting and watching Adi do nothing but smile and coo, and I knew that was the most important thing going on in the world at that moment.

Bree Shaw said...

she is getting so big! i love your BIG tv that i saw when you were showing us the fan! a big difference from what you had:)