Tuesday, January 13, 2009

I have a touch of a bug today. Bleck!...I finally got out of my jammies...transferred into sweatpants! Hopefully it will be short lived. Got some toast down & my girl seems to be feeling okay. Hopefully she won't get it.


Andrea Frederick said...

bummer...i hope it goes away soon!

Corin said...

You should have just stayed in your jammies. No one will judge you. I'd wear jammies to work if I could swing it. Okay that's a lie, I could wear jammies to work but I fear the judgemental glances so I don't.

Erin said...

Feel better soon! :)

Bree Shaw said...

i am sorry:( hope you get to feeling better soon so YOU can BOSS people around tomorrow!!!

Da Tick said...

What Bree said.