Monday, January 5, 2009
I've bragged about what a great baby I have. Today I had a taste of fussy baby...I did not care for it. Poor girl acts like she's half starved, wanting to eat every hour. She barely slept all day and had tiny little circles under her eyes. By the time her dad got home we both looked like we'd been through war. We had this kind of evening yesterday, too, although she did sleep well through the night. I finally made the decision that she's not getting full. I don't know why she's not, but it's apparent from the hourly feedings that she's hungry. It's not just every hour she suggests that she could use a snack with a little's every hour screaming, rooting, gnawing hunger. Maybe I'm way off base, but I decided to try a couple of ounces of formula...her dad fed them to her and she gulped them down like she hadn't eaten all day. Poor dolly. She's finally sleeping well for the first time today and I'm feeling like a heel for apparently starving her all day. I always let her nurse until she's through...I don't know what's up. Hopefully we'll get it worked through the next couple of days so that we can have some happier days and I can have my lovey, happy baby back.
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Good luck, you'll get it figured out. Just don't listen to anyone else and follow your gut! You know...and of course you could always call me:)
I already did! to you that is!
my cousin had the same thing with her little guy. ended up that he was not getting enough from her and she was starving him. she of course felt so bad, just as you. she fed him formula and he changed his tune real quick. you will get it all figured out. don't feel like a failure b/c there is a reason for everything. good luck!
Could be a little growth spurt. It seems like Levi would go through periods were you just couldn't get enough food down him. I'm sure it will all be fine. It seems like this was also about the time we started giving Levi a bottle of formula to get him ready for the sitters. I bet Mike really enjoyed the chance to get to feed Natalee for a change.
You'll get it, Jenn, don't worry.
Just a thought to share, it's been a few years for me with nursing (poor memory here to give you specifics!), but I seem to recall that there are two times that a baby needs to eat more frequently b/c she's preparing to have a growth spurt, so all the 'experts' say to nurse really frequently during that time b/c it builds your milk supply so you'll have more when the baby is needing it. I don't remember exactly when those times are, but a 6 wk growth spurt is in my mind. . .I'm not a 'formula is bad and everyone must breastfeed' (I have two breastfed children and two formula and they are all just fine!!!) kind of person, but I do believe in supporting a mother if her desire is to breastfeed and getting the tools to do so successfully. KWIM? Don't know where you are on that, just thought I'd share that tidbit for you to research if your heart really wants to continue breastfeeding. I've had friends feel like failures for not bfing, and that just makes me sad--if it's not for you, it's just not for you, don't feel like a failure.
But if it's something you really want and are struggling with, there are resources out there and I think a person should educate themself before giving up and then feeling bad. That's just my two cents, and I hope it comes across as helpful thoughts and not bossy or 'know it allish' b/c that's not my heart. I really don't care what you do, I just want you to be happy and do what YOU want.
I really did love the chance to feed my daughter and you are a great mommy.
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