Tuesday, January 6, 2009

fusspot, take 2

First of all...a big thanks to all who commented on my last post and made me feel like less of a mommy failure. Your kind words buoyed me as I cried my way through the say with my, once again, fussy baby.
I finally got to looking at the "big picture"--beyond just the crying--and called the doctor to run a few things by him. She's had very loose diapers (isn't that the nice way of putting it?), her head is absolutely full of junk (I'm afraid to leave the house without the blue suctiony thing they give you at the hospital), she's extremely gassy and often her little tummy is very hard making me think she's bloated, increased spit-up and vomiting, and a couple of other things. My head was leaning towards milk allergy...not sure what made me think that but I suggested it to him and he agreed he wanted her seen. He didn't have any appts. available so we had to see the nurse practitioner.
She did not agree with my mommy diagnosis...instead told me to continue using saline in her nose and suctioning it out, use gas drops (like we hadn't been doing that), keep her upright for awhile after she eats, and add a little rice cereal to her bottles when we give her a bottle. My heart lurched a little at rice cereal...she's only 4 weeks old, but we decided to try it for the rest of this week. I have an appt. for her on Monday for her 1 mo. check-up with the doctor and if things haven't improved I'll want some better answers.
The nurse practitioner told me that it's highly unlikely she has a milk allergy because she's breastfed...highly unlikely and absolutely unheard of are 2 different things. I could be way off...heck, I hope I am...but so far today none of the advice given has helped. I know cures don't happen in hours so I'll give it some time but I hope she's feeling back to her old self soon. I feel so bad for her. Andrea was over this afternoon and even she saw how Natalee wants to be cheery and she tries to coo and grunt, but she just can't stand it and she kicks her little legs rigid and acts like she's just not settled.
Pray for our night tonight...last night was rough for Mommy and Natalee. She was up several times and unsettled, as she has been during the day. I'm feeling very worn down and oh so glad that we don't have to go anywhere tomorrow and can nap together. Don't be surprised if my phone is off if you try to call...especially if tonight is like last night.

A brief moment of happiness yesterday. It didn't last long...(see below).

This face (and worse) are what I've seen the last couple of days.
Poor sugar, but oh how I love her!


Anonymous said...

ah poor baby! prayin for you guys!

Bree Shaw said...

have you been using much formula?

Andrea Frederick said...

keep chugging away...hope your night went o.k.

JessieJo said...

I'm not a doctor but, a milk allergy is totally possible in breastfed babies. A boy I watched last year has it, his mom couldn't eat any milk, cheese or dairy or he would get sick and really grouchy. Tucker didn't have an allergy, but if I drank too much milk when he was birth - 6 months he would get gassy and really sick. I just stayed away from milk (still ate cheese and such) till he was about 6 months old and then he was fine. I'm definitely not diagnosing her, just saying, it's possible. Go see your doc and we'll be praying for you! Good luck, Jess

Anonymous said...

jessiejo, i've heard of this too! we have switched to only organic (not horizon brand, it's bad) milk...
hoping today is better, jenn!!!!!!

Diane Melvin said...

I hope your night went peacefully and that your day is going better. With Lydia we had to use the gentle type of formula. After we switched she hardly even was gasy. One of my nephews couldn't have milk when we was a baby. My sister-in-law had to make is formula. Not sure what all she used but it worked.