And that winner is MOMMY! Went to the doctor this morning for Natalee's 1 month check-up and he told me that I was right on the money with Natalee's milk intolerance. We don't know right now if it's an allergy (likely not b/c her reaction wasn't too severe), a lactose intolerance, or simply a tummy that can't break down milk proteins but whichever it is she can't have milk right now. We will be introducing soy formula soon and I will start adding some small dairy products back into my diet to see if she can tolerate them. Right now we're going to try regular ProSobee formula...if we have trouble with that, Dr. Davis recommended that we try Carnation GoodStart Soy because it tends to be easier to digest.
Dr. Davis made me feel really good about following my mommy instincts. He told me I did exactly what he would have told me to do and that HE had a baby who was nursed who had a milk intolerance and his wife gave up dairy. He kept his face pretty stoic when I told him that the nurse practitioner dismissed my concerns and had me put rice in her wouldn't have been professional for him to dog her so I didn't push the issue but I made very sure that he knew what we were told. I hope he talks to her about her diagnosis of my Natalee.
Miss Natalee weighed in today at 10 pounds 13 ounces and is 21 1/2 inches long. So, month 1 is gone and we've successfully won our first health issue... next month is vaccine month...lots of thinking and discussing for Mike and I to do before then.
I have to thank Jeanne Harding for guarding me with information and support as we faced this milk ordeal...I'm not sure that I would have been brave enough to go with my gut without all the info you gave me.
How funny that you went to Dr. Davis! Trin (his wife) is one of the friends I mentioned when I said I had a couple friends in your situation! So glad she finds the soy formula 'mmmmm, mmmmm good!' :) She is seriously such a doll, Jenn (as if you don't know that!).
Isn't it nice to have "experts" to fall back on for advice?
glad you got it all figured out! all of my boys were on prosobee, and look at them:) way to go with your mommy instincts.
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