Monday, January 19, 2009

baby shower

It's MO's biggest baby shower...

This week our pastor spoke about controversial of those being abortion. If I woulda been thinking I would have had this put in the bulletin because it's very fitting, but since I didn't I'm inviting you to participate via my blog. I'm going down to Kirksville Friday for an eye appointment and would be happy to drop off for you when I drop my items off...just holler if you need me to take something down for you!


Anonymous said...

thank you for sharing jenn! i didn't know anything about it! i've emailed it to steve. we need something for the back of an insert for this week's bulletin - possibly a hit! :) i don't think it's too late, this could be a way for people to respond to his sermon... either way, thanks for sharing!

Shonya said...

Jenn, the link isn't working--what was the gist of it? This subject is so near and dear my heart--and it's one way God called us to adoption. I wish there was some way to tell every woman considering abortion that people would love to give their babies a loving home!

Also, I wonder if you have a baby carrier of any kind or would like one? I had a sling made to give you, but I've waited so long, I wonder if you already have one. . .plus I just wonder if you would like it??? Is that just crazy? What do you think?