Wednesday, October 1, 2008


Please pray for Bree Shaw...she had a hysterectomy today. The plan was to leave both ovaries but the best laid plans always go awry. They had to take one & ended up finding & removing 2 tumors that they did not know were there. Prayfor her pain & her recovery, but more than anything pray for her peace of mind as they test the tumors & she gets results.

Sidenote: I have 1 week's worth of evening meals set up to take to Bree's house. If I haven't hit you up & you would like to do a freezer meal for her to help stock her freezer for those evenings in the couple of week's following recovery that she just doesn't have it in her to cook, please contact me & I'll hook you up with ideas of what their family likes (& doesn't). ( or 660.216.8252). You can also holler at Andrea!


Bree Shaw said...

thanks jenn! i am so glad to have such good friends! hopefully i can pay everyone back sometime when they need it. the food has been great so far and i have only been home 2 days.

Anonymous said...

I've been praying and glad to hear things are going well. I'd been thinking about making something to take over. . .what have you been coordinating? Any suggestions? I'm glad to do whatever.