I've been tagged by Corin.
Here are the rules to enjoy the fun:
1. Link to your tagger and list these rules on your blog.
2. Share 7 facts about yourself on your blog - some random, some weird.
3. Tag 7 people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links to their blog.
4. Let them know they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.
Okay here are my 7 facts/oddities.
1. I am a nervous wreck about something probably 95% of the time. I don't show it on the outside--I usually appear calm and cool, but in reality I'm constantly thinking about whether I'm fitting in, what I'm saying, how I look, etc...I'm rarely truly comfortable just being 'me.' I'm not even sure of who the 'real me' is. Because of this I have a hard time making true friends.
2. I really, truly love my husband and think its sad that some women can't say that. Even when I can't stand to look at him, I love him. AND...I often call him Big Daddy...not because of anything personal other than I started saying it one day & can't stop.
3. I'm already in love with my baby & worried about the type of parent I will be.
4. 99% of the time I still run to my mommy and daddy when I need help.
5. I'm not the best Christian I can be, but I really try.
6. On any given day, there are at least 5 students at the school that I would take home and raise because I know they need me. And I don't think I'd ever look back.
7. I HATE my house been messy, cluttered, and dirty...you wouldn't know it by looking but when you're there please know that I hate it, too!
Some of you may have already been tagged but I don't have very many people on my blogroll so just go with it, okay?...
1. Bree Shaw
2. Mikey
3. Erin Tallman
4. Amee Jones
5. Bob Young
6. Jennifer Jackson
7. Andrea (okay, I ran out of people!...I know you've already been tagged)
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