Wednesday, October 8, 2008

weekend away & more

mike & i had a terrific weekend in Tan-Tar-A at the Osage Beach. we were both sent on a technology conference--he as the tech guy & me as the teacher representative (hey, it saved them in room costs!). beautiful room, beautiful lake front view with a walk out patio, beautiful, comfy double beds (ok...they were a little small--we could have each had our own but the snuggle factor worked for us). we had meetings monday & tuesday--only one the same & the rest of the time separate, but i feel like i learned so much & that just maybe my smartboard isn't smarter than me! meetings were over monday by 5, so we went to the outlet mall. we had another employee from the school with us but she shopped for her kids while we wandered the mall. got a couple more maternity things--i think i have enough to get me through these last 2 chilly months. we also picked up a couple of darling but not necessary outfits for the bambino at carter's (i'm starting to love the carter's outlets!). mikey bought a 'man's' apron so he doesn't have to wear my too small one when he's frying bacon & stuff...we got a couple other little things--nothing too exciting but we had fun & the weather was gorgeous. tuesday we were done & in the van by 1:30, so we were home (& me showered) by 5:00. i took a short siesta & then we worked upstairs on unpacking, hanging things, organizing, etc. our bedroom has been neglected b/c its 'out of sight, out of mind' but i know people are going to want to come by after the shower this saturday & see the house & i want to have a house worthy of showing off! i think we're keeping the kids tomorrow evening so i'm going to have them sort through their toys at our house & then we are going to move them up to our room & reorganize them. right now they are in the nursery, but its quickly filling up, so they are getting relocated. our room is nice & big to play in, though, or they can carry what they want to play with downstairs. not ideal, but liveable... after we get their toys moved we can go get the changing table that's hanging out in phil & sara's garage & get it in the nursery (hopefully friday). then maybe i can get everything set the way i want it so that its nice & tidy to show off on saturday... speaking of saturday...i'm getting really excited about the shower! it seems surreal that i'm this close to delivery...everyone thinks i'm all calm & cool & one of those 'born to be mama' types & in some ways i am, but in other ways i feel totally unprepared & naive. tell me this is normal... enough rambling for now...better finish lunch & get ready for my next group of youngsters! 

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