Wednesday, October 1, 2008

the heart of the matter...

  • am a teacher who works full time & will take her kids to a babysitter because this is the field that God has called me to. I make a difference in the lives of other children besides just my own. I love my kids enough to give them the freedom to be in the hands of others & I trust others enough to love and care for my kids. THIS IS NOT AN EASY CHOICE & is just as much a sacrifice on my part as staying at home is to others.
  • am a women who respects that God has gifted others with the talents that I do not possess, one of these being medical smarts. I do not run to the doctor for every sniffle or pain--however, I trust that my doctor is more capable of assisting me in the birth and care of my baby & myself than I am.
  • am a wife who too often doesn't realize the gift of a husband that I've been given. He's gone with to every OB appointment, except one when he was out of town, he grocery shops, cooks, cleans & takes care of all the manly things like the lawn, garbage, cars, etc. He does things I just plain don't want to do & stands by my side to help me make difficult decisions. He supports me when I feel led by God to do something & never tears me down...I wish I could always say the same of myself in regards to him.
  • am a mommy who dreams the best for her baby. I will be the best parent I can be. I will make mistakes, I will not be perfect, but I will try. I will let others love & care for my baby because I know the joy a baby brings. I've been blessed to have my hands & hearts in the lives of many children who have made a difference to me.
  • am a sister who is grateful to have 2 such wonderful, caring people in my life. I rely on them & they rely on me. We are intertwined with a bond that cannot be broken. We may not always understand each other--we may not always agree with each other--but we always love each other. Thank you Lord for my sister blessings.
  • am a daughter who feels loved 100% of the time. I am not the result of perfect parents, but I am the result of a happy & loved upbringing. We were not always privileged, but we were cared for & raised with modest but wholesome values. We often had to find our own way, which was our parents' way of helping us grow. I am also the daughter of a Godly father, who always loves & remembers me, even when I stumble & fall.
  • am a servant. When I choose an area to serve in I do it with all my heart and for the right reasons. I strive to bring others closer to Christ. I am not a perfect person who always makes perfect, Godly choices, but I try. I am in need of forgiveness just like everyone else.
  • I am not defending myself or my actions. I am explaining my life choices & thanking my Maker for my blessings. I am simply showing you my pulse...the heart of all that really matters.


Andrea Frederick said...

I LOVE this post, just hadn't gotten a chance to comment yet. Good job, I totally agree!

Anonymous said...

Whew! You go girl! (As I wipe my eyes. Sniffle, sniffle) Kristina

Bree Shaw said...

go jenn! that was very well written. i am with you kristina, it made me have tears too. i am proud of you jenn and will be right behind you on all the choices you make.

Anonymous said...

Excellent thoughts. So nice to have the freedom to do what we each think best for ourselves and our individual families. Blessings to you. And thanks for sharing the apple butter recipe! :) Don't know if I'll be ambitious enough to get the mess out again, but maybe. . . :)