last night andrea had to go to the school board meeting & vance was at soccer practice. there was about a 25 minute gap where they needed somewhere for emma to chill so she didn't have to hang out in the cold so andrea dropped her by. she'd been to buddy's to eat, so andrea brought her jammies & threw her in the tub b/c she smelled like a fried ashtray. andrea left & emma played a bit. i went in to wash her, then decided that the idea of stirring the chili sounded easier than getting on my knees so i switched places with mike (he usually bathes the kids when they are at our house anyways). emma got out, vance got there...nothing else was said about bathtime.
last night we're laying in bed joking about something & out of the blue mike says, "when emma was washing up in the tub she told me she had to wash her boobies." a small pause followed from him while i guffawed & laughed (have you seen her mom?...that child doesn't stand a chance at a blessed chest). then mike says in a serious tone, "i think its about time that i stop helping emma with her baths..."
maybe he's right...i'll let him out with this girl b/c she's not ours but if we have a daughter nothing will get him off the hook...not even boobies!
ummmm....don't really have a response. still processing, get back to you later!
mike didn't know what to say or do either. i think he pretended like he didn't hear her!
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