Monday, October 27, 2008

Lord, Send a Revival!

Our church is having a revival this week with Pastor Mark Scott. The topic is "Certain Truths for Uncertain Times" & boy is Mark a great speaker. For those of you who were church campers or you remember those speakers who were so passionate that one minute they were yelling & the next they were almost crying? That's Mark...
His speaking doesn't make you feel judged or wronged...but he makes you think, reflect & want to do better. Yesterday he talked about the fact that as Christians shouldn't we be willing to "give up the farm" to bring someone to Christ. Wow! Sometimes I wonder if we do the right thing when we draw someone to 'church' by other activity, a kids program, etc...but then again, he's right. If that's all it takes to bring them to really know Christ, then isn't it worth it? Its not a's a reason...& sometimes that's all people really need...a reason to go.

So, if you didn't make it to church yesterday morning or to the revival last night...this is your personal invitation to come. If you are a Christian, you'll become a better one. If you are not sure about becoming a Christian, you'll gain a deeper understanding. If you are on the edge, you'll probably get pulled on over. If LCC is not your home church, that's okay--come anyways--its a community event & maybe you'll learn something that you can take home with you. If you don't have a home church then all the better reason to come!
It starts at 7, lasts only a little over an hour & is well worth your time. Childcare is provided by ADULTS, not teenagers for all kiddos 4th grade & under (although that's not set in stone...if you have a 5th grader its not like they're going to throw him out on the curb!). We have us a little singin' time & then the message...sweet & simple but you'll enjoy it. I'm challenging you...not judging you if you don't come, but challenging you to try!

See you there?


Bree Shaw said...

i would really like to come. i may have to see about it tonight or tomorrow night! i heard shelly went down last night. that is awesome! i am so happy for her:)

Andrea Frederick said...

i hear that it's working wonders every night. nothing like a good old fashion revival to get the word out! i'm glad it's so motivating. i just can't wait until things settle down with the house.

Finding Joy in the Journey said...

i know...stinks that you are so busy but the dvd's would be worth watching when you are all settled in. i think he'd be almost as powerful on tape as in person!