Saturday, May 3, 2008

a dancer at nine weeks!

we made it to 9 weeks! my baby now has joints & is bending, dancing & wiggling (only wish I could feel that). his or her fingerprints are almost completely that awesome or what? the baby also has the ability to grasp objects put in the palm of his/her hand---thus begins the exploring of his toes, other fingers, nose & ears!..too sweet. okay, i know the baby still looks a little alien like, but she's getting more lifelike by the day!
GOOD morning/all day sickness is also getting better by the day! praise God!


Bree Shaw said...


Finding Joy in the Journey said...

I go back & forth between he's & she's...Mike swears it's a boy, Emma swears it's a girl. They're going to have a long wait to find out!

Andrea Frederick said...

Colby wants a girl, so he can still be the bestest boy in the whole world.