Friday, May 30, 2008


...what else can i say? it's the end of a long but fulfilling week...summer school started & we did a 4 day VBS. the VBS was great but exhausting...i had a lot of new little people in my group which i love but there is no way i would have made it without my help, especially my mom. sometimes there's just that person who sees things your way, reads your mind, anticipates your next know? i'd forgot how great my mom is with masses of little children until i put her back into commission with my 24 toddlers & she rode the bicycle like she'd never forgotten how...bless her for her help, especially with one of our new friends who shall remain unnamed, but who we'll call God's special child & Cindy's special friend.

my baby & i are getting lot of R&R this weekend and catching up on college schoolwork. only 1 month left!!!!!!!! i also should do some laundry & clean house, but we'll see how it goes. for now, we're starting with a shower & bed...that's as far as i can think to tonight.

God bless you all who are praying for our Schuyler teachers & school board...keep it up. He hears us & I am certain He will see us through this mess & hold our teachers in His arms.

night for now & love to all.

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