Monday, August 14, 2023

First Day of School 2023 - "Official Photos"

Here we go again!.....
We tip-toed into school last week by starting our core but we jumped in whole hog this morning with an official first day!

Our resident freshman!!  Let's go, girl!  It's going to be a great year, Natalee - one day at a time!

8th grade for Xavier!  Wait, Jenn - didn't he just finish 6th grade last year?  Welll.......
If you remember in 2020 Xavier did 5th grade, in 2021 he did 5th-6th grade, and in 2022 he did 6th grade.  We felt like he needed that stretch of elementary school at the time and that it was the best decision for him.  What would really be best for Xavier is not having a number leveled grade at all - ha.  However, he has grown academically in leaps and bounds.  At this time he's doing 8th grade+ level work and has completed the 'required' (there are no requirements - wink) number of years of elementary school.  He's shown maturity and is ready for high school next year - we have no doubt in our minds.  It's going to be a great year!

This year we have no "lower elementary students" but we do have these two super fun upper elementary students!!!
Ameliya is ready to rock fourth grade!

And Zayden is more than ready to dominate third grade!

Last but not least this adorable preschooler!
Evalynn is ready to learn her ABCs and letter sounds, writing numbers and counting, and so much more!

It was a lovely kiss of fall weather this morning.

My beautiful kiddos, led by Mia and Zayden I think I learned, made this sign for me in secret last week, signed it on the back, kept it hid, and presented it to me this morning.  After I took all their pictures they each took a turn taking one of me.  What a blessed mama I am, to have children who care for me so much.

Cheers to a great year, B.L.I.S.S. Academy scholars!

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