Tuesday, August 15, 2023

Evie in a Hammock {A Vibe}

 Evalynn got an early birthday present in the mail from Nannie and Uncle Vance...
Nannie had told her on Sunday that it was coming and she didn't forget!
In 2020 we bought all the other kids hammocks and strung them up.  They get them out every summer and read and relax in them.  This year when they got them out Evie asked, "where's mine!?"  She really wanted a yellow one - yellow is her school color and she says it's her favorite, too!  Nannie delivered!
Xavier helped me hang it under the dome....and it started raining as soon as we got it up.  So we covered her with the kids' play sheet and she decided not to come in.
The joy!
She spent a ton of time in her hammock just swinging and singing.
You are sunshine, Evie.  Thank you, Nannie and Vance!

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