Sunday, March 12, 2023

Weekly Wind Down {Game School, Friend Night, Snow Storms, TP Pillow} Mar 5-11

Sunday we went to church and then stayed for classes before jetting down to Missouri to see Grandma and Papa Tallman, Nannie and Vance.  Lauren's crew had a terrible stomach virus and couldn't come.  I did poorly at taking photos but we enjoyed some barbecue and visiting before coming back home.

We all felt pretty relaxed coming into Monday since we knew that the upcoming week was game school week.  We finished the third quarter of our schooling, and when I built our yearly schedule I tried to schedule in a game school or break week at the end of every nine week quarter.  Had we decided to travel for spring break we wouldn't have taken game school week, but that didn't work out, so the kids and I were looking forward to a more relaxed routine.
To keep us accountable I did map out some different games for each day.  The kids did solo games, partner games, small group games, and then we planned one large group game each day that the older four and I played during Evalynn's nap.

I attempted to make cohesive lists of our games and how many players they were.  That is a difficulty we often run into is that a game we all love is only for 4 players so if I play one of the children has to sit out.  Knowing how many players each game was helped me planned the days.

Throughout the week some games I had forgotten or hadn't noted when I was inventorying got penciled onto the lists.
We attempted to start our day with our morning routine of devotions, breakfast, chores, etc before jumping into the solo games.  On the days that we were home in the mornings we also did our morning basket.
Monday brought a lot of excitement as everyone was pumped for game school week.  
Solo games...
{sodoku was a solo game I added at the last minute and it was a huge hit with all four of the older children}
Evie's "solo" activity for Monday was jigsaw puzzles.
After solo games we paused and did morning basket.  We finished our Burgess Bird Book for Children.  We've been reading this for almost 18 months and often the children will say, "I learned about that in the Burgess Bird Book!"
Partner games...
Evalynn was my partner Monday...
You can see Evalynn's intermission pout when I make her follow the rules in the video above.
Small group games...
We LOVE Rack-O and wish we could all play it together.
Our large group game was Trekking the National Parks.
The first day was a huge success.  If possible I almost felt like it was busier than a regular school day - probably because I tried to stay committed to the games so my housework had to be set aside, whereas on a school day I can sneak it in here or there during independent work.
I got out our travel Simon and Bop It games and they were also a big success throughout the week.  Evie doing bop it was a cute moment...
I think Xavier currently holds the bop it high score.
The weather wasn't too lovely Monday so everyone played and read after our group game.

Natalee started Tuesday morning with early morning PT/OT.  No matter what time I schedule therapy it does just affect the flow of our day but we try to do our best with it.
I try to get up early to do my Bible study but this week I was not too successful at the "early" part.  Many mornings I had more than one child joining me at the table with their own Bible readings.
Zayden has decided to read through the book of Daniel and keeps bringing me the most interesting tidbits...he told me he is thinking about being a preacher when he grows up.  Mia asked me if she could mark her Bible text like I do so that has given her a renewed hunger to get in the Word each day and help her sort it out in her brain.
Solo games...
{Design and Drill for Evie's solo activity}
Partner games...
Evalynn was truly so tickled to be included everyday.
The kids had plenty of input into what games we did each day and what partner games they wanted to play.  Mia may have been more excited about Mystery Date game than Natalee...
Zayden was my partner.  Zayden loves games but he especially loves logic and thinking.  Rubik's Race, Build or Boom, and Battleship were our games of choice...
Ev and Xavier finished their games so he let her build and boom with him while the rest of us finished up.
Tuesday was just gorgeous.  Sunny and warm and the birds were chirping.  We got out right after lunch and appreciated our free vitamin D.
I tried for a swing nap for Evalynn but she didn't sleep so I took her in for a nap.  No nap wasn't a choice as we had company coming.
Look at all those birds in just 5 minutes!
We decided to play our group game (Quixx) outside.  This is one we haven't played a ton and I'm not sure why because every time we do it's so fun.  Part luck, part strategy, and not at all hard to pick up.  It was a perfect outdoor game with not a lot of pieces.  We did get a little chilly at the end but I'm still glad we took advantage of the sun.

Some of the kids played & some came in after our game time was finished.  We were having our friends over for our family's Tuesday "pizza and game night" so I finished tidying the house and doing minimal prep work for an easy "order pizza" evening.
How wonderful to have a full table and a full house and babies to cuddle and friends to catch up with...Tuesday was a lovely evening.
We never did get to the card game we were going to play - it's hard to play games with busy little ones to look after - but we enjoyed catching up, playing with babies, and getting our fill of love and snuggles.
Evie was in heaven with two babies to love.  Lindly is a mover and shaker and appreciated the bin of baby toys we had brought up.  Her energy matched Zayden's and everyone had a good time watching her play.  Haddy is chill and let us pass her around like a dolly.  She shared kisses and snuggles with everyone.  Neither of the girls were disturbed by our loud chaos and that's saying something!
Miss Lindly thought it would be fine to be the recipient of our Minnie Mouse car seat that Evalynn is done with...she tried it on for size.
Evalynn telling Chelsea a story.
Zach is the master of chaos with the Beeler crew.  They finally settled on Simon Says after I threatened all of them, him included, with the wooden spoon for wreaking havoc on my inner peace (wink).  Seriously, the kids were so excited to see their old pals and I'm thankful that they have four more adults to add to their list of Godly examples to look up to.
Tuesday was a good night.  The kind of night that fills your cup.

Wednesday apparently brought jump roping.  I'm actually not sure why they were jumping rope in the living room but I loved that they were all three working together.
On to solo games.  Evalynn's activity was Haba Tack Zap and might have been too difficult plus she was a little can see her in full pout on the stool in the background.
Ameliya was my partner.  We played Battleship and then I taught her our new game, Scrambled 5's" so that she could teach everyone else later.
Small group games...
and iPad time for Evalynn.
Our large group game was Ticket to Ride.  I really enjoy that game and love playing it, unfortunately we were met with some big feelings when the game came to a conclusion and ended up kind of disbanding before tallying points.
Wednesday night was family pizza night at Awana/Youth Group so I thanked the church and let them feed my family supper.  Check that off my to do list even if it did mean they ate pizza twice in a row.

Thursday was snowy and cold and did I mention snowy?  Big huge flakes dumped down all morning.  The temps were warm enough that it was kind of slushy, so I went ahead and went to Natalee's hippotherapy appointment.  Honestly on the way over the roads really weren't great.  Mike had the little van so I was in the bus and the sand bags had gotten taken out of the back.  I was wishing for them a bit.  Luckily it's a very straightforward route - no twists or turns, and the main driving lane was okay.  The bus did struggle turning into the gravel road to the horse barn but we made it and the roads were better on the way back - we were a bit behind a plow that was pushing the slush off and it made all the difference.  We stopped for a grocery pick up and were glad to get home.  The driveway was bogged down enough that the bus wouldn't go up it so I had to shovel it out to get parked.  That was enough adventure for me for the day.  
Honestly the stress of driving in the snow and some grumpiness at other things that had shaken out throughout the week meant that I wasn't my best self on Thursday.  We did get through our games but it was a push on my part.
Xavier was my partner on Thursday.  We played Battleship and Mobi.
Pit was our group game.  We were also supposed to learn a new game, ScorZo, but I was honest with the kids and told them I just didn't have it in me to brain through learning a new game that afternoon, so after Pit everyone went and read/played/did their own thing while I did laundry.
Natalee was supposed to go to teen night but given the weather we just decided against it and we all stayed home, watched an episode of Lego Master, and called it a day.

Friday morning Natalee had a zoom appointment and then we went over to a friend's house and she shared some high school curriculum with me that I had questions about.  It helped to talk it out and let Natalee see the curriculum in person.  I'm not sure if it will be the right fit for Natalee - we are still looking it over and deciding whether we want to switch or stick with what we've been using and just use it to it's fullest potential (something I think I've lacked doing this year).  Either way I'm thankful she opened her home to us and let me pick her brain.  The kids had a good time playing, too.
We made a stop at the library before coming home for lunch and games.
Pretty Pretty Princess for this pair of girls...
Natalee was my partner and I chose word games to do with her since they are her favorite.  Mike had a little time before he had to go back after his lunch break so he played Big Boggle with us...
I had the boys do Q-ba-maze as their "game" and Mia got in on that when her partner went to nap.
Scrabble was Natalee and I's other game.
I had planned Sequence as our large group game but what a bummer to learn it can't be played with 5 players.  Honestly I cannot remember what we played instead - I do think we played something but alas, my memory fails.
Overall game school week was a success.  We failed at making time for our Osmo/Bee Bot games and plan to incorporate them into our upcoming days instead.
A Friday night funny...

Saturday morning was still and sweet.  No basketball.  No activities.  I got up and made a triple batch of Belgian waffles and let the kids eat them in front of the TV.  
Each of them chose their cartoon and I took time to just be still and sit with them awhile.  
After cartoons we started in on chores and tidying the house.  I went downstairs to work on my co-op lessons plans and ended up cleaning the office/art area in order to work which means the planning took me three times as long.  
Xavier had a birthday party for a couple of friends (a Nerf battle at the church) in the afternoon and by the time it was time to collect him the snow was once again dumping big huge flakes.
We ate leftover breakfast burritos for supper and then on a whim I decided to challenge the kids to an hour of outdoor play before it got dark.  No one but Evie was super pumped at first but we were indoors a lot this week and I knew some fresh air would help us sleep well.  I had already showered but I went out several times {in my bathrobe #countrygirl} to watch snow ball fights, admire snow-ladies, and take hot cocoa.  Once they got out there they played hard - the air was very still with no wind so it was a nice snow to play in (if we must play in snow in March).
this outtake made me chuckle....that snowflake it so big it looks like it's taking Mia out
It was a beautiful snow...and made the world seem still and quiet.
I like to serve hot cocoa right at the end of playtime.  Drinks with sugar seem to make my children's bladders work overtime, so I knew if I served it too early we'd have to take off gear to potty.  Work smarter, not harder...
They could have had it indoors but there's just something about warming chilled fingers on a steaming glass while the snow falls around you that's magical.
Not a bad way to end the week.

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