Saturday, December 10, 2022

Natalee Turns 14!

Happy birthday, Natalee!!

Natalee's birthday was not at all what we planned and truly not what she deserved but we did the very best we could given the fact that many of us had influenza.  Mike really came through and made all her requested birthday meals while I fought a fever.
Not only were we physically a mess but part of the gifts I planned for Natalee got lost in the mail so I had to rearrange with some of her Christmas gifts. 
Even though we were on the struggle bus, we made the most of the day.  The kids played while those of us who were sick rested.  
We love you, Natalee.  I'm sorry we were sick on your birthday and hope that your trip to Winter Blitz makes up for the fun we missed.  We are so thankful for you and all that you bring to our family and we're proud of you everyday.

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