We had Christmas with Papa Curtis, Grandma Cindy, my sisters and their families on Christmas Day this year.
We were fortunate to have good, clear roads and safe travels for our day. This little doll in the bell bottoms was ready to head out "to see Papa"... almost too cute.A trio of tie dye!
We had delicious brunch when we got there and everyone dove into their stockings as we arrived. Proof of the children all growing up a bit was that the day overall felt pretty calm and wasn't as loud as usual.
Once the bellies were full for awhile, it was present time! We attempt to go youngest to oldest.
A pocketknife for Xavier!My attempts to take photos of everyone weren't great. You could tell who I was sitting nearest and what my perspective was. A for effort?
We enjoyed giving our gifts and were blessed more than we deserved, as per usual. When the presents were opened, then it was time to play games, play with new toys, visit, and eat. And then eat some more.
My beautiful niece is a senior.
Planting a garden with Evalynn...Xavier loves the babies...
and they love him.
Auntie sandwiches. Am I the lucky one or what? So thankful for God's intercession of this boy's life this year.
And so thankful to have a new nephew to celebrate Christmas with!
My cute Harry Potter. Papa sacrificed a tiki torch to make a wand.
Our attempt at a group photo. What a crew!
Mike and I made Artie a peg family!
It was a beautiful day. We were thankful for so so many things that had nothing to do with wrapping under the tree. Most of all, we were thankful to all be together.
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