Sunday, December 19, 2021

Two Timbers Christmas Program 2021

The children had their Christmas program at our church tonight and the theme was Merry Christmas.  Miss Kathy planned out an elaborate production, and with the help of some computer software and ingenuity and dedication on behalf of the kids, we were able to pull it all together.  

On the stage screen were scenes starring the children, depicting different bits of the Christmas story.  The children then narrated what each letter of M.E.R.R.Y C.H.R.I.S.T.M.A.S stood for, and in doing so unfolded the best story ever told (can I get an amen?). 

Here is a video compilation of all of the children's parts and the whole play.  I only recorded the first verses of the congregational songs, which gave me time to help Ev stay settled, and later prepare her for her roll as the toddler Christ child. 

At the end of the video, the picture scenes of the children are included so that we can save them always.

It was hard to video and get pictures, too, so just a few snaps...

If you watch the video closely you can peep the toddler Christ child waving excitedly at her magi brothers.
We thought she wanted the gifts, but she'd dropped her necklace....however she did not have a fit and instead went and got it before the closing song all on her own.
We appreciate that our children get to have this opportunity and it doesn't got unnoticed to us the amount of effort and love that is poured into the program.
Zayden took this rare opportunity to choose a cookie that had frosting with food dye, which isn't a norm for us....he was excited to choose from Kathy's pretty platter.

I meant to get a snap of our 5 children...and maybe a family picture.  Alas....another time!

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