Sunday, August 4, 2019

Hicks Family Reunion

This weekend was Mike's mom's family reunion.  We met up down in Camdenton and stayed at a golf resort called Old Kinderhook.  It was lovely and our kids got a lot of pool time in!  Mike especially enjoys seeing his extended family and cousins and I enjoy soaking up some extra time with my in-laws and nieces and just being away.

Oldest and youngest granddaughters until Baby E comes along.
It was fun to get a full weekend of this growing girl's personality!  She's a hoot!

My sweet sisters got me a prenatal massage at the resort spa.  It was amazing. 
Proof of BIG Baby E ↴ and her swollen mama

The extended family reunion was at Ha Ha Tonka State Park.  The shelter was nice and it was cooler than it could have been for the month of August!  
The kids played on the playground and got hot and tired and sweaty and eventually laid on the blanket and tried to stay awake.  Grandma Num gave us a princess bag full of look and find books like 2 years ago at Mia's birthday and they once again saved the day.
Many of the adults had a bean bag toss tournament.  I sat with my big swollen log looking legs up.

These two are 6 months apart in age and played hard this weekend!
Isa's first ponytail!
Reminding himself how sweet it is to hold a snuggly baby.
scraped knees within minutes of each other....
Natalee and Harper

After we left the reunion, we took the kids to try their hands at kayaking.  This was when my inability to be so active kind of hindered our fun, because I didn't feel comfortable taking a kayak out so Mike had to take turns with them one at a time. 


I told Mike that Mia almost deserved to be dumped.  She all but hung over the side of the kayak looking for fish and kept yelling "faster!" to her dad!



Mike kept the kids close to the shore line away from the wake of the boats since it was everyone's first time.  They had a lot of fun!

Waiting turns...
Telling stories...

Today we thought about mini golfing but we were all spent.  We opted to travel home and get back at a decent hour so we could get ready for the week.
Xavier got car sick on the way home...sigh.  At least we had a bag.  We switched his spot (back row) and Natalee's (middle row) and he made it the rest of the way okay.  Early bedtimes were necessary for everyone, though.
Sometimes still such a baby face.
Mia's feet were on the cooler and she fell asleep (don't wake the bear!).  All I could reach for our chauffeur to drink was an apple juice pouch.  Desperate times...

Thank you Grammy and Papa for a fun weekend!

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