Sunday, August 4, 2019

37 Weeks with Baby #5

Tomorrow marks 37 weeks with Baby E.  I'm feeling every ounce of her weight and every day of my age.  😂 I'm huge, I'm tired, and I'm swollen.  I also know I'm blessed - so many people would like to be in my position.  I try to remind myself of that.
My sisters blessed me with a prenatal massage this past weekend.  Having one of those daily would sure go a long way in finishing out these next weeks strong.  Ha. 
I do feel like I'm growing a toddler and I'm getting anxious to meet her.  God sends you those feelings so that you forget that it's actually easier to mother a child on the inside than the outside and you're ready to go through the labor and delivery part of this journey.
Strong strong girl!  We're thankful.

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